The State of North Carolina Politics
On Sunday, August 18, 58 people gathered to hear State Representative Ray Russell (also known as Ray of Ray’s Weather) report on his experiences as a new legislator in the NC general assembly. Rep. Russell represents the 93rd District of North Carolina which includes Watauga and Ashe County. In a time when there are diminishing options for state and local news, it was refreshing to hear a firsthand report on North Carolina politics. Rep. Russell is part of the newly elected, notably diverse, and independent-minded group of Democrats who broke the super majority previously held by the Republicans, which means it is now possible to sustain vetoes by the governor. This shift is significant in a legislature that has been dominated by only a few individuals in Republican leadership. Because of their tight grip, even individual Republicans in the legislature have had little sway despite being part of the majority party, so the new Democrats have a chance to make a difference. Before sh...