Protect our votes (Shame on Jefferson Griffin)
Based on all previous election law, federal voting rights, and after multiple legitimate recounts, Supreme Court Justice Allison Riggs defeated challenger Jefferson Griffin in the November 2024 election.
Unfortunately, Griffin wants to choose his voters by attempting to disqualify 60,000 votes that were cast legally. Despite defeats in preliminary court cases, he continues to push his unjustifiable claims to the NC Court of Appeals and likely to the NC Supreme Court. After winning the vote, Riggs has been forced to organize and fundraise for these endless lawsuits in order to protect the will of the voters.
Common Cause North Carolina has been following this case closely and is organizing rallies across the state. Find out more on their website:
Read our report on the local rally to defend our votes, including stories from local voters whose legitimate votes are under attack.
Additional links for background information: