Regional Networking Links updated March 26, 2017

💪Networking links--multiple ways to connect

Many of us benefit from the chance to gather in small groups to process and react to the alarming developments on the state and national levels. As increasing numbers of people seek ways to connect, react, and advocate for change, we need to explore how to work in tandem with other small and large groups. We want the chance to speak with multiple voices and as one voice--the chance for each of us as individuals to share our grief and rage at injustice AND still to merge so that our numbers can be recognized by legislators.

That is a long way to say that Blowing Rock PerSisters is a small group with a growing list of members-at-large and potential members. As such, we hope to connect with other groups in our region to expand our impact.

As of March 26, 2017, here is a list of regional groups with whom we hope to network:

High Country PerSisters

With a steering committee of women who know how to plan, this group recently launched a set of subcommittees to research and then take action on multiple key issues, primarily at the national level. They are welcoming new members who share an interest into protecting the environment, education, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, governmental ethics, etc. Their website will be made public soon, but in the meantime, new members can contact

Small and Mighty Acts

This group is working to coordinate various events and activism through their website and community calendar. This can be a good resource to discover other groups and activities worth considering.

A report on one of their meetings can be found here:

Caldwell Women Rise

A new group has formed in Lenoir/Caldwell County. Find out more at

Indivisible Citizens of Catawba County

Find out more at

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