August 13 Conversation: The Impact of Women in Politics

David McLennan, Ph.D.
Professor, Political Science Meredith College, Raleigh
David McLennan (Ph.D., the University of Texas at Austin) is currently a professor of political science at Meredith College. McLennan’s research expertise includes the impact of negative advertising on political attitudes, image restoration for politicians in trouble, and barriers to women’s electoral success.

McLennan has taught American Government, Campaigns and Elections, Political Leadership, Women in Politics and other courses at Texas Christian University, North Carolina State University, and William Peace University (formerly Peace College) prior to coming to Meredith.

In addition, McLennan worked as a political consultant on the campaigns of women candidates in Texas and North Carolina. Since 2011, he has directed the NC State Legislative Internship Program, placing students from across North Carolina in House and Senate of ces to help them learn about the legislative process.

McLennan also publishes op-ed pieces in local and national media outlets. His recent articles have appeared in US News and World Report, Congressional Quarterly Researcher, the Charlotte Observer, and the News and Observer.

In addition to being a media analyst, McLennan is a speaker on national and state politics. He speaks regularly to civic groups about politics. His recent speeches have focused on the aftermath of the 2016 elections and on civic engagement in the 21st Century. In 2015, he published “The Status of Women in North Carolina Politics,” a comprehensive examination of women’s role in politics and government.